Changing Lives & Changing Communities

The Links, Incorporated established the Health and Human Services facet in response to the chronic health disparities that persist in black communities and result in the decreased life expectancy of African Americans and other people of African ancestry. The goal of HHS is to promote and facilitate programs that support the maintenance of good health and the elimination of chronic health disparities in communities of color through education health advocacy, and optimal utilization of health resources. Community education about health risks is crucial and The Links, Incorporated plays a significant role in providing it.
The HHS facet of the Pine Bluff Chapter is committed to promote education, health and wellness for targeted youth through dental hygiene, and awareness of good food choices. Workshops, dental mobile equipment visits, and other age-related activities will be conducted along with parental involvement and connections. The anticipated outcome is improved dental hygiene and on a regular basis resulting in a decrease in tooth decay, tooth extractions, affecting children in a negative way and causing self-esteem and other health problems such as obesity. All of which affect student achievement.
Email Beverly Cotledge, Chairman, for information:
Jerilean Brewer, Co-Chairman,

The mission of the International Trends and Services is to expand the global platform for programs designed and developed to service the education health and cultural needs of people of African descent throughout the world. The foremost goal of the international trends and services facet is to provide opportunities for tangible service in other countries.
The Pine Bluff Chapter is committed to implement the Links Signature Program, LIFE (Links International Business and Foreign Affairs Empowerment), in collaboration with Watson Chapel High School and the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff Office of Global Engagement. The main goal of the program is to educate students about the vast career choices available beyond the United States. The purposes are (1) to create a future job pool of young minority students focused on careers in international business and foreign affairs, and (2) to fill a major void in racial diversity in the international business arena and foreign appointments. Participation in the program requires attendance at, and participation in, approximately six two-hour workshops over the program period. Those workshops will address such issues as cultural differences; cultural tolerance; foreign- service and global business careers; and leadership, negotiation, and communication skills. The anticipated outcome of participation in the program is that the activities will serve as catalysts to spark student interest in education in general, and specifically in international business and foreign affairs. United States State Department statistics indicate that minorities represent less than 2% of diplomatic and foreign affairs assignments.
Email Eula Liddell, Co-Chairman, for information:
Dorothy Holt, Co-Chairman,

The Vision of the National Trends and Services facet is to eliminate disparities by reducing barriers to services through advocacy, education, and service through programs which serve as a catalyst for change promoting individual and community empowerment.
The NTS Facet of the Pine Bluff Chapter is committed to conducting assessments with the target population to help determine how and why bully occurs where it happens, how student and adults intervene, and whether prevention efforts are working. Bullying can threaten students’ physical and emotional safety at home, school, and can negatively impact their ability to learn. Strategies include workshops and other age-appropriate activities.
Email Kelly Bryant, Chairman, for information:
Trammell Howell, Co-Chairman:

The Links, Incorporated created its first program facet, Services to Youth, to equip black youth to use their intellect and spirit of achievement to become successful and productive citizens. Today, The Links, Incorporated continues to implement aligned, integrated and transformational programs that are responsive to the academic health, cultural, social awareness, career development, and mentoring needs of youth.
The Services to Youth facet uses an integrated approach to prepare young people to succeed as healthy citizens in the global workforce and to promote healthy lifestyles within families and communities.
The Pine Bluff Chapter chooses to implement a response to the challenge of the achievement gap related to African American children compared to other groups. The major goal of the program is to employ cognitive and affective strategies that will produce positive results in a prescribed timeframe. The anticipated outcome is the advancement of one grade level each year for each participant.
Email Alycia Wiley, Chairman for information:
Rosie Clayton, Co-Chairman:

The goal of The Arts facet is to increase and expand art activity. We recognize how art is an important foundation to good mental health and can foster healthy connections by Building a Healthy Legacy: Our Prescription for the future. Programming includes arts integration within our chapter and a partnership with likeminded organizations sowing the seed of creativity deeper in our community.
In Pine Bluff, the Arts facet is committed to spread the word of Goals 2000, Educate America Act. The major goal is to give as many students as possible as many opportunities as possible to be exposed to the Arts. Studies show that children from low-income families are less likely to be consistently involved in arts activities and instruction. Activities will include: creative writing, spoken word, creative dance, and sponsoring attendance at local events. The facet will make use of community resources such as museums, libraries, the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff, and various arts centers.
Email Trudy Redus, Chairman, for information:
Dr. Brenda Martin, Co-Chairman,