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The Links, Incorporated established the Health and Human Services facet in response to the chronic health disparities that persist in black communities and result in the decreased life expectancy of African Americans and other people of African ancestry.  The goal of HHS is to promote and facilitate programs that support the maintenance of good health and the elimination of chronic health disparities in communities of color through education health advocacy, and optimal utilization of health resources.  Community education about health risks is crucial and The Links, Incorporated plays a significant role in providing it.

 The HHS facet of the Pine Bluff Chapter is committed to promote education, health and wellness for targeted youth through dental hygiene, and awareness of good food choices.  Workshops, dental mobile equipment visits, and other age-related activities will be conducted along with parental involvement and connections.  The anticipated outcome is improved dental hygiene and on a regular basis resulting in a decrease in tooth decay, tooth extractions, affecting children in a negative way and causing self-esteem and other health problems such as obesity.  All of which affect student achievement.


Email Beverly Cotledge, Chairman, for information:

   Jerilean Brewer, Co-Chairman,



The Links

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